Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Factors That are Beyond the Control Essay Example

Factors That are Beyond the Control Paper Well it is being done by computers. An external environmental factor is defined as factors that are beyond the control of the firm that influences its choices of direction ND action, organization structure and internal process (Pearce II, J. A, Robinson, Jar, R. B (201 1). The advance in e-commerce can affect how Apple runs the sales department. For example, with the increase in online purchases Apple no longer needs to buy, open and staff an actual store front location. Before items were purchased online, people would go to a store location and buy a new computer. But now consumers place orders online and have it shipped to their homes. Apple will have to stay on top of the system updates to make sure they are meeting the needs of their online hoppers. Another important external environmental factor for Apple Inc. Is to maintain a presence in the technology market. Globalization will be key to Apple Inc. s competitive advantage within the market. More companies are building relationships with foreign competitors to attempt to gain an advantage in these markets. As one of the most popular innovative companies, Apple Inc. As leadership in place to understand that if they do not globalize they will lose their advantage. Apple understood that by expanding into the international market they would have a major influence. By expanding into international markets Apple would increase their market, visibility and opportunity for investors. This can be great for investors considering in 2012 Apple phone grew to 25. 1 % in global markets share (Philanderer Staff. (2013). Apple Inc. Has always been known for the creative advantage in technology but as we know, technology is always changing. 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Competition in the market is something Apple is going to continue to expect. Competition is constantly growing especially since new competitors are always coming into the market. Companies like Microsoft and MM are Apples direct competition in the computer market. This has in some way affected Apples profit margin, when computer companies such as Sass can sell a laptop at a third Of the price of an Imax laptop. But despite the increase in competition Apple, has created a cult like atmosphere with their brand. Having worked in various studios, there are engineers around the world who are die hard Apple computer lovers. Important Internal Strengths and Weaknesses Internal environmental analysis is defined as factors within the organization that influences their activities pa articulacy the behavior of the employees. The internal will help Apple to continue to grow and succeed. Steve Jobs is and was one the best innovative thinkers of the 20th century. He created and developed a strategic plan that allowed continued success long after he was gone. Jobs started with the first home based computer then he was the driving force behind products such as the pod, tunes and the Macintosh operating system. He helped set a standard of excellence for Apple Inc. To continue building upon. Being innovative has been Apples claim to fame. Taking risk and giving consumers products that are not only cool but meets a persons needs created instant success for the company. This is a strength hat Apple has over there competition. When companies perform a SOOT analysis their goal is to create a tool that is used for leaders to understand their strengths and weaknesses. The SOOT always advises a company of the opportunities and threats as well. One weakness Apple Inc. Usually faces is their need to recall their products. For example, when you are the first to release a new product, the company has to deal with the initial defects and imperfections of the product(s). When products are recalled it decreases the profit margin for Apple Inc. , and they are forced to replace the items. Competitive Position and Possibilities Over the past 30 years Apple Inc. Has placed themselves in a great competitive position. With their advantage in technology, Apple Inc. Has a core line of products which they can continue to build upon for years to come. From computers to smart phones, consumers are constantly looking for the next great product and Apple is in the perfect position to meet those demands. With new products like the phone 5, Apple is pushing the envelope in the smart phone market. Conclusion Overall, Apple Inc. Has been a major player in offering great products and arrives to their loyal consumers.